Part I- Do they call you Patches?
Every man wants that full beard but there are certain things you may be facing that could be preventing it. Diet, genetics, hygiene, fungus, dental issues or even an autoimmune deficiency.
You need to drink water, eat healthier foods like fruits, vegetables, nuts, get your protein.
Exercise! Yes, EXERCISE! You definitely want to boost your testosterone because that aids in growing your beard.
Hygiene and I mean cleansing your face, your beard and mustache. Did you know that dead skin cells shed and don't always remove themselves? This is why exfoliation is extremely important. It unclogs the pores, helps with dryness, itchiness and stimulates the skin underneath. It also promotes the prevention of ingrown hairs. ***Sexy Beard ExfoScrub in our store is perfect for exfoliation.***
An autoimmune deficiency is the body attacking your healthy cells which can cause hair loss in the beard. This is called alopecia barbae. A physician or a dermatologist will properly diagnose this condition.
Fungus aka a ringworm is a skin infection. Yes, it can attack your beard but we call this tinea barbae. You definitely want to seek a physician for the proper medicine.
So let's start trying to pinpoint and get you on track.